Heber & Vilate Kimball home
The Kimball home has been furnished more in tribute to Nauvoo Restoration Inc. and it's founder, Dr. J. LeRoy Kimball, than with artifacts from the 1840s.
1st floor
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In this beautifully furnished room you can see portraits of Heber & Vilate Kimball, and their grandson J. Leroy Kimball, a period piano, and some articles that belonged to the Kimballs when they lived in Utah.
As you view this room on your own take note of the two framed letters on the wall opposite the portrait of Heber. These are letters written between Heber and Vilate while he was serving on one of his missions.
2nd floor
This small upstairs room is today furnished as a nursery. Enjoy viewing it on your own.
music room
master bedroom
This was most likely Heber & Vilate's bedroom and is furnished as such. It also includes many interesting antiques.
child's bedroom
There is a fun collection of antique toys displayed in this room
down stairs to the Dining Room
The temple plate, hanging on the wall by the window, is one of only two originals that are in Nauvoo. Visit Scovil Bakery to learn the origin and significance of these plates.
Nauvoo Restoration founder J. Leroy Kimball
Portrait of J. Leroy Kimball
photo gallery