Frontier Life
Cultural Hall
The Cultural Hall had a variety of uses, including dances, theatrical productions and meetings of the local Masonic Lodge
David & Patty Sessions home
Patty was a midwife and delivered hundreds of babies in Nauvoo and thousands in the West.
Lyon Drug Store
Windsor Lyon was a merchant healer. In his drugstore he offered botanic medicines and homemade remedies to cure most ills, in addition to items normally found in a dry goods/variety store.
Pastimes Pavilion
What did pioneers have for games? Here, at pioneer pastimes visitors learn how to roll hoops, have a stick-pull, dress up in pioneer clothes and just have fun with your family.
Scovil Bakery
Lucius Scovil’s bakery advertised wedding cakes and other delicious treats.
Family Living Center
The Family Living Center is a joint effort between Historic Nauvoo and the state of Illinois and highlights several common tasks for families living in Nauvoo in the 1840s. Some of these tasks required some specialized skill, but many others could be done by anyone with some muscle, time, and patience.
Ox Ride
Enjoy a ride on an ox drawn wagon while a narrator explains why oxen were preferred over horses for long journeys.
Carriage Ride