Scovil Bakery
Let me introduce myself.
On display in the bakery are implements of a nineteenth century bakery. None of these artifacts are original to the shop or to the Scovil family.
Mission to England
This picture of Lucius Scovil hangs in the bakery near the front door.
Nauvoo Temple plates
On the rim of the plate are the names of members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and several other Church leaders serving at the time Lucius left for his mission to England
Ginger Cookie Recipe
If you were here we would give you a treat of a cookie for visiting the bakery - but you can see the recipe and make some yourself by visiting:
There are no records that the Scovils served these cookies in their Nauvoo bakery, but variants of this recipe were around in America in the 1840s.
Announcement of Bakery Opening
Lucius advertised the opening of his bakery in the Nauvoo Neighbor in May 1844. This copy hangs in the bakery near the front door.
Bakery Artifacts
On the left corner of the table is a rolling flour sifter, front middle is a bread slicer, and on the right is a dough trough and rolling pin.
Hanging on the back wall next to the large ladle is an antique tool called a fruit auger or “sugar devil” used to pull dried fruit or sugar from a barrel
Fireplace and Ovens