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A Musical Tribute to the People of Nauvoo

Free song download.  

To d
ownload a song- move the curser over a song title or click on the title  and the song duration will be replaced by a "free" or "Download" button. Click this button and follow the process to download that song .

Individuals may download songs from this website for their own personal, noncommercial use.  This right can be revoked at any time and for any reason.  Organizations and legal entities desiring to use material from this website may request permission by contacting us here.

You can read the text of a song as it is being played by clicking on the lyrics icon, (        ), at the end of the play status line.  

song lyrics icon.png

For information on having a performance in your area please contact:
      Mary Warner     385-888-3723

Experience Nauvoo:

take an on -line VIRTUAL TOUR of Nauvoo

Enter the historic sites of Navoo and Carthage via 360° photographs.  Virtually move about the rooms as you listen to an audio recording about the site and people who lived or worked there.  Be in the rooms of Carthage Jail and listen to what it was like for Joseph, Hyrum, and their friends to be there.  On the 'Frontier Life' page you can even ride along on a wagon or ox cart. 


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