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Stoddard Tin Shop

Tin was a common material used extensively in homes and businesses. Many common household items made of plastic or stainless-steel today would have been made of tin in the 1840's.


Take this tour to learn how a Tinsmith did his work.

Jonathan & Elizabeth Browning home

As a blacksmith, Jonathan Browning provided essential goods and services in support of his family and the entire Nauvoo community but, he is known throughout the world today because of his skill and ingenuity as a  gun designer.

Calvin & Sally Pendleton home

Education was very important to the citizens of Nauvoo.  The City Council authorized the Nauvoo University to provide education for all citizens - adults and children.  Come in to see what an in-home school may have looked like.


Brickyards depend on the presence of four main ingredients—clay, sand, water, and wood for firing. Since Nauvoo’s soil is rich in clay, clay-fired brick became a popular and fairly inexpensive building material in the city.

Riser Boot & Shoe Shop

Visit this home to hear George Riser's amazing story of  commitment to his family, neighbors, business, and finding truth.

This 3 building site includes:


The Print Shop (view tour)

John & Leonora Taylor home

          (view tour)

The Post office (view photos)


Why would the Taylors be uncomfortable living in this beautiful home?


 - click a site name above to begin your tour - 

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